Future in Statistics: Partnership and Innovation in the Data-Rich Era

June 28 – June 30, 2025   |  Zhuhai, China


Early Bird Registration

Non-Mainland China
April 7, 2025
Mainland China
March 25, 2025
Submission deadline is April 30, 2025
Submission deadline is April 30, 2025.

Conference Registration Information

Please note, the online registration form will close after April 30th. Only individuals who have submitted the form by this deadline will be allowed to participate in the conference.


Registrants outside of Mainland China

Payment is due at the time of registering for registrants whose work affiliation is outside of Mainland China. Registrants whose work affiliation is in Mainland China will not be charged at the time of registering and should pay via the provided QR codes.   

Please note that these registration deadline dates are based on Pacific Standard Time (PST).


By April 7, 2025April 7, 2025

Short Courses

By April 7, 2025After April 7, 2025

Registrants in Mainland China 中国内地的注册者



By March 25, 2025After March 25, 2025

Short Courses



One banquet ticket is included in the price of your registration fee. Please use the quantities within the form to reserve the TOTAL number of banquet tickets you would like. If you do not wish to attend the banquet please select 0. You will not be charged on this form, but will be charged onsite at the banquet for the additional tickets. The price will be US$40 (300 RMB) for adults and US$20 (150 RMB) for children.

Cancellation Policy

Unless approved by the Committee, all symposium participants must register (except for keynote speakers). A full refund for registration will be made if cancellation is requested on or before May 20, 2025. No refund will be issued if registration is canceled after May 20, 2025.

One Speaker/One Abstract Policy

Except in cases where the speaker is receiving an ICSA prize or award, individual speakers may not speak at more than one session. However, one can serve as a discussant in another invited session while speaking or serving as a panelist in an invited or contributed session. Each presentation abstract can be submitted only to one invited/contributed session.

Session Chairs

Session chairs, as participants, must register. If an individual is both an invited speaker in one session, and a session chair for a different session, you only need to register once, as an invited speaker for the session you are speaking in. Otherwise, if you are not an invited speaker and are only a session chair you may register as a general attendee.

Abstract Submission

Abstract submission for invited speakers and poster presenters is included in the registration process. Please be able to provide your abstract title and text, author and co-author information, and payment (if outside of Mainland China) at the time of registering. 

Invited speakers,  must select “invited speaker” as their registration type to be able to enter their abstract information.

Poster presenters, must choose “poster presenter” as their registration type to be able to enter their abstract information. 

Please make sure to register correctly as these registration types and submit your registration information and abstract by April 30, 2025.


To register for the China Conference you must first create an online account and be logged in to view the form. Once you complete those steps you can access the form from your account page or the button below.

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